What do you think of Gozarutchi?

Friday 19 September 2014

My V4.5


Finally, it's Friday! no more school for 2 days! I started up my tamagotchi station like I said I would and I also started up my tamagotchi nano too. I am considering starting up my tamagotchi music star or my oden-kun. Which one do you think I should start up? All my other tamas are fine except for 4 that died when I was in the bath. Tomorrow I will restart them.
Goodbye, I will write again soon!

Sunday 14 September 2014

new tamas

for my birthday this year I got lots f tamas! I gat a purple tamagotchi friends, an Osutchi and Mesutchi, and a Ginza street. I wanted a tamagotchi market but they are VERY RARE! there is only one on ebay and it is in japan. It costs about £250.00 and £30.00 postage so nobody bought it for me as it was so expensive. I have started up some old tamas too. they are very demanding! It is school tomorrow and I hate school. I wish I could just stay a home all day. Here is a cheat that you can do on versions 1,2,3,keitai,4,4.5,5,5.5,music star, tamago and tamagotchi friends: when the are dying find a small stick/pin/screwdriver and use it to press the reset button on the back. it should beep and an egg should appear on the screen. press button B (the middle button) and on the screen you should have the choice of reset or download. Select download. Your tama will be alive again! press button b to view the clock and change the time (the time often goes wrong when using this cheat) and then continue to take care of your tama as usual. Soon I will start up my tamagotchi station that is in my bedroom. Hopefully I will be able to find a battery for it. I have got to go and take care of my tamas now! goodbye!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Second day with tamagotchi friends

Yesterday my tamagotchi friends arrived in the post. Today is my second day with it and I am having lots of fun with it.

Found some tamas

Today I  found 3 tamas hidden away in a draw. One had a battery in it already so I just pressed button A and C to hatch a new egg but I asked my mum to buy me some batteries for the other 2 whilst I was in school. When I came home she had bought me the batteries so I was able to start they other two up. All my tamas are doing fine and I am really enjoying playing with them.  

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Tama Update

I have just fed the tamas and now I am playing games with them.

Tamagotchi Poster!