What do you think of Gozarutchi?

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Gozarutchi is from the Ninja family. You get Gozarutchi if you don't give them snacks. Some people like him, some people don't. He's on a version 3 and version 5. You can get him on any generation. Sometimes people purposely get him. His sister is Konoitchi, his dad is Kashiratchi, his mum is Okugatatchi. I read somewhere he's crushing on Masktchi. I like Gozarutchi but I don't like Masktchi. I've had Masktchi once on my v3 and I didn't like her. I hope I never get her again. I saw a great picture on someone else's blog of Gozarutchi. I've had Gozarutchi quite a few times.
Please send a comment what you think of Gozarutchi.


  1. I like all tama's. Why don't you like Masktchi?

  2. I don't like Masktchi because it isn't very nice to have a gotchi that bares its teeth at you.

  3. I see now. Maybe he just likes to show off

  4. he is from the ninja family
