for my birthday this year I got lots f tamas! I gat a purple tamagotchi friends, an Osutchi and Mesutchi, and a Ginza street. I wanted a tamagotchi market but they are VERY RARE! there is only one on ebay and it is in japan. It costs about £250.00 and £30.00 postage so nobody bought it for me as it was so expensive. I have started up some old tamas too. they are very demanding! It is school tomorrow and I hate school. I wish I could just stay a home all day. Here is a cheat that you can do on versions 1,2,3,keitai,4,4.5,5,5.5,music star, tamago and tamagotchi friends: when the are dying find a small stick/pin/screwdriver and use it to press the reset button on the back. it should beep and an egg should appear on the screen. press button B (the middle button) and on the screen you should have the choice of reset or download. Select download. Your tama will be alive again! press button b to view the clock and change the time (the time often goes wrong when using this cheat) and then continue to take care of your tama as usual. Soon I will start up my tamagotchi station that is in my bedroom. Hopefully I will be able to find a battery for it. I have got to go and take care of my tamas now! goodbye!
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